Our People

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We are a strong, agile, and committed! Our relations are based in our values: win-win-win, integrity, collaboration and excellence.

Here we respect the individual differences without prejudice and we don’t tolerate any kind of discrimination. 

Each person in SkyStone is seen as a fundamental part so that the organizational objectives be achieved, but, always considering the objectives and dreams of each person. We believe in the importance of recognize the strongs and talents of the people and stimulate the feeling of belonging of everyone, adopting practices that aim the desenvolvement of the high performance team,the continued personal and professional development to the retention and to the construction of a excellent work environment.

The life is our greater good and that’s why we don’t measure efforts to provide a safe work environment in a way that all people who relate with us can do your activities free of all physical, moral or mental integrity damage.

Besides insure the occupational security and  health, we look for desenvolving good practices of defense and care with the local environment, doing in a sustainable way and always stimulating our collaborators and partners to contribute to the improvement and continue innovation that make value for themselves, for the company and for the society.

The Great Place to Work is a global consulting that supports Organizations to achieve better results through a culture of trust, high performance and innovation. The search has as objective measure the level of satisfaction of all collaborators. The intuit is understand of what way the context of work affect the behavior and the attitudes of the people in this places, your quality life and the performance of the organization.

The SkyStone Brasil, in 2021, was certified by the GPTW because of the excellent work  environment and valorization of our professionals and it’s between the 15 best companys to work in ES.

Our Vision guides us to be full leaders in our market, but more then that, encourage us to be the transformation agents impacting positively our society.

To achieve our vision, we have developed a lot of projects with partnerships with a lot of campaig of blood donation, child sponsorship, collection of clothes, donation, between other things.

Our goal is having in our team the best professionals!

Here we are dynamic, focus in results and in the same time in love for people! We are a humanized company and we want to provide to our collaborators the best experiences in your carriers. We valorazed the collaboration, the integrity, and the excellence in everything that we do and that’s why we do not mensure efforts to invest on the development of our professionals.

Learn about some of our programs

If you identify with our brand and want to be part of this high-performance team, follow our opportunities. Come work with us!